Background his artistic education

Guidi was born in Paris in a very modest environment father, ticketpuncher in the Paris Metro, mother, housewife and caretaker. Symbolic example: as of the age of 8 and a half his parents let him walk through the Paris streets to satisfy his passion for song at the theatre of the Opéra-Comique. He ran up the stairs to book seats for his older friends, but ever so young in spirit, who shared his enthousiasm. They paid for his seat and some sweets.

Thus he started to develop his musical knowledge which, over the years, became quite sophisticated and specific at the same time. Knowing by heart dozens works of music and being able to recognize the interpretations of Yehudi Menhuin or Zino Freancescatti, of Svjatoslav Richter or Samson François, he woul always work listening to classical music which became vital for his environment an his inner silence.

At the age or 14, after basic school-leaving quilifications, he decided to be a painter, while working in a factory where he was very appreciated and could have worked his way up... He would choose Art.

At the age of 16 his father gives him his first easel and at his request enrolls him in the RATP workshop (Régie Autonome des Transports parisiens) that offers its workers and their families high quality courses in various disciplines.

Then Guidi studies at the Academie de la Grande Chaumerie where he meets Edmond Hauzé, a member of the Academy and teacher at Beaux-Arts, a master of whom Guidi would talk of with great respect and affection all his life. It was with him he learned all the techniques and above all the drawing which he so passionatly loved all his life.

As far as his sculpturs are concerned, Guidi was absolutely a self-educated man.

One of Guidi’s first oil paintings : Portrait of his father

Portrait du père de Guidi	My Father