Three years after the devastating traffic accident in Beaune in which 53 people died of whom 46 children, all from Crépy-en-Valois (Oise), the mausoleum was inaugurated at the end of July 1985.
Everyone was shocked by this tragedy and it awoke the general conscience: ever since this disaster a number of security measures were taken, that make these bus journeys less dangerous.
Guidi was quickly contacted by the family’s foundation (of whom a number lost all their children and thus a part of their income, and so lost their house).
Guidi was unbearably bereaved and generously refused their financial proposal and offered them the mausoleum, the foundry of Susse decided to realise the bronze at cost price.
France 3 Television Broadcast dedicated a reportage on the realization of the sculpture at the foundry of Susse for several months. A beautiful cast, a true volcano eruption, which is found again later on in two or three ‘imagenary landscapes’.
The Mausoleum of Crépy-en-Valois in situ (Photo Guillaume de Panafieu)