Clay, a substance and technique

Guidi was never attracted by wood or stone because these two techniques would force him to carve or cut out, assaulting the substance to achieve one’s end. An act too violent for a material tender such clay.

Clay becomes his one and only material. From the very beginning he uses a technique where one requires a great deal of patience: hundreds of clay balls added one to the other. Certain sculptures carry light matallic frames, especially the larger ones with small, sometimes deducted heads as the Trois Grâces or later on Adam and Eve.

Guidi works in full volumes and bakes himself the sculptures, even the big ones in his pottery oven, using a secret method that he refined over the years. Normally, when using this technique the sculptures should break, but the miracle always took place. He was then the only sculptor using this technique.

Guidi in Fillerval At the beginning of the 80ties
