The man and the artist - 2/2

We can only summarize in a few words the ‘normal’ man, let alone an artist, in essence ‘a-normal’. One can only try and say the most important things, at least what we experienced.

Guidi was an honest man, a man who was able to face the music in difficult situations, he was difficult but generous, with an enormous tenderness, but also discreet and even secretive. He did not show his essential anxiety, this anxiety such as César’s (however rich and famous) and like so many artists, made him turn to alcohol, which in the end turned out to be the driving force of his creativity.

Guidi was above all an authentic artist, always searching, that his work clearly shows, so different in their technique and inspiration. Indeed, what is the resemblance between the still lives when he took up painting again at the beginning of the 80ties and time of roads or imaginary landscapes of the last years?

Revitalization was for him an absolute necessity, without worrying about the distress he might cause to art dealers or even to the audience. Like Picasso, the high lights for Guidi were the roads and the imaginary landscapes (inks) and as far as the sculptures are concerned, the works full of tenderness and intimicy dedicated to me.

Guidi was obsessive about Art, and everything had to yield in the name of art, that one had to constantly understand and accept when living with him. But all these years that we lived together were, in a human and artistic point of view, rich and passionate and even when we experienced extremely difficul times, we felt never bored, limited or weary.

I am conscient of the fact that I was privaledged to share my life with one of the most important artists of our time, in particular through our joined work, and helping him to flourish.

Couple-racines	Walking couple